Leading AUTHORITIES agree on the
harmful effects of dental radiation
to the eyes and need for protection.
“The sensitive tissues of the eyes are especially susceptible to radiation damage, and studies have shown a correlation between dental X-rays and cataracts. To avoid undue exposure, standard practice is for dentists and dental professionals to use protective gear when performing dental X-ray imaging. Therefore, there is a need for an eye mask that confers sufficient ocular protection from dental X-rays.”
US Patent Office (Findings that helped substantiate grounds for granting the Ocu-Guard Eye Shield patent.)
“Exposure to ionizing radiation carries the risk of harm. The effect on the eye may be caused by lower doses than previously considered. All reasonable means should be used to reduce radiation exposure, without compromising diagnosis, when radiographs are made.“
FDI World Dental Organization
“The ICRP has considered that the lens of the eye is among the most radiosensitive tissues and has recommended dose limits for the lens to prevent occurrence of vision impairing cataracts. Particular attention is paid to cataracts because of recent evidence of higher incidences of injury than expected after lower doses.”
International Commission on Radiological Protection
British Journal of Ophthalmology
National Institutes of Health
Oxford University Press
Adam Evearitt, Atom Physics
Department of Energy (DOE)
Eyenet Magazine / June 2017 / Rethinking Radiation Doses for Eye Protection
MANUAL OF RADIATION PROTECTION, Volume 4-Dentistry Jointly sponsored by WHO, ILO and IAEA
Colorado Dental Association
Kanzaki T et al. Absorbed dose to the eye during dental radiography. Oral Radiology 2017; 33:246-250
Pennsylvania Dental Association – Radiology Protection Update